I spent last weekend at the most anticipated event of the year for all Prim Mart addicts! PRIM MART CONVENTION 2009!!!!!
This year it was held in Harrisburg PA. I LOVED it!!!!! I sooooooo need to go back and just spend a week hoping from place to place! Anyone wanna come with me???
Well, while I was there, I talked with some of my great friends about blogging. Well, I made it a goal of mine to get my butt in gear and start keeping up on my blog.
So here ya go! LOL!!!! I'm determined to NOT edit what I write.....just let it flow......whatever my little fingers type.......that's what you will read! OH BOY!!!!
OK! So while I was there I talked to my friend Megan. We were discussing how AWESOME she looks! We got on the subject of all the meds she/we are on. She mentioned that when she was on Zoloft she would just LOOK at food and would gain weight. Well, DUH! I'm on Zoloft! No wonder I can't keep weight off. Not that that's my entire excuse, but hey, WORKS FOR ME! LOL!! So I decided to lower my dosage and see how it goes. Went from 150mg to 100. been a week............I think I've decided that I would rather be "fluffy" and happy than skinny and suicidal! Been on edge, yelling at kids, annoyed.....you name it! So, back up I go! LOL!!! Guess I'll just have to work the treadmill twice as hard.
This last weekend I watched my brother's two kids. Tab (14) and Ryan (10). We had a lot of fun! I thought it would be much more stressful than it was. Ryan is autistic. He functions quite well though. He hadn't been to church in quite a while so we decided to take him and see "how it goes." When we told him he was going to church he quickly came back with, "Church is BORING!" I just told him too bad and get in the car! He did VERY well!!!! I brought fruit roll-ups for him to snack on. He even sang the hymns with us! He was too CUTE!!! He would occasionally lean over and put his arms around me and squeeze me tight and say, "I love you Karen!" Awwwwwww!
We picked up their parents at the airport today and took them home.
Lets see.....what else.
I listed a doll on Etsy! Yay!!!! She was made using a pattern by Tonya from Back Porch Pickins! Isn't she CUTE!

OH!!! I went to Hobby Lobby today to get some good muslin (right now I have the cheap crappy kind that is flimsy....HATE it!) and some tulle for the ladybug. While the gal was cutting my fabric I was looking at all the other fabric and all of the sudden......BAM! I had a thought! A new line of dolls!
BUT you're going to have to wait and see them!!!! hehehehehehe
Needless to say I walked out with MORE than just muslin and tulle! LOL!!!!! The spark is BACK!!!!
1 comment:
Great to see you back Karen!!! I cant wait to see what you come up with.
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