Well, I thought the title was quite fitting considering this weekends events!
We left Utah for Seattle on Friday hoping to get through the pass before the big storm(s) hit. We made it through the pass with no problem (with the help of Kirby Wilbur pod casts! LOL!)
We got off the freeway at North bend and traveled the back roads through Duvall towards Monroe. The roads were compact snow and ice so we were driving quite slow. We got within 10 minutes of our destination when we passed a cow farm on the right just off the road. Well, we didn't expect to actually SEE a cow in the middle of the road! She was is the left lane just standing there. She looked like she was going to continue her trek across the road when she saw our headlights and immediately turned toward our car. Rick started saying "Here we go! Here we go!" I just thought he was excited to see a cow so close! LOL The I realised that we weren't stopping and neither was the cow! We hit her right in the right shoulder. She spun around and her backside hit the back driver's side door!!! The girls all screamed thinking we just killed a cow! Rick stopped the car and got out to assess the damages. I watched his face and he held the flashlight up to the front corner and mouth "C R A P!" He went to get the farmers who then found the cow (Still alive!) wandering around, no doubt very stunned! They corralled her back in the pen with the other cows. We had the police come out and take a look. He got a kick out of it! LOL!!
Anywho the front driver's side is mushed in. The grill, hood, headlight, and side panel have to be replaced. The passenger door also has to be replaced.
Now, for the second half of the title! After we got here it started snowing...........and hasn't stopped! We have about 2 feet of snow! The power went out last night but has since come back on! Yeah!!!!
Rick decided he was going to see how frozen the pond was.......well, as you can guess he fell right through the ice! Apparently he was out there yelling for dad to come save him! but eventually got himself out. We had no clue what he was doing until he came in soaked up to his chest! When I asked him what on earth he was thinking, he just said, "I wanted to see how far I could go!" Well, he got about 2 feet! LOL!!! He then added, "When it happened, it happened FAST!" Duh! LOL!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
HUGE E Pattern sale going on NOW!
WOW!!! It's been a while since my last post! Time flies!!! I'm making a quick post right now to say that I have a HUGE pattern sale going on right now ans all through the month of November! Buy1 E Pattern get 1 FREE!! No limit! This sale doesn't come around very often so now's the time to shop! :) Offer is good on all my sites!
http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5584533 http://patternmart.com/patterns/search/section/All/RK+Creations%2C+Karen+Nieforth/All
Just email me your free pattern choices at karen@nieforth.com! Sale ends Nov 3oth!
http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5584533 http://patternmart.com/patterns/search/section/All/RK+Creations%2C+Karen+Nieforth/All
Just email me your free pattern choices at karen@nieforth.com! Sale ends Nov 3oth!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Soooo....You Want 'em ALL do Ya?

You've asked for it! So here it is! I've listed a CD on ebay that contains ALL my patterns to date! That's 75 PDF patterns!! Worth over $400!!! Take a looksie! :)

I Want Them ALL Collection CD! 75 PDF Patterns worth over $400!
Well....you asked for it! So here it is!! ALL of my e patterns to date on CD!There are 75 total! ...
Price: US$75.00

Saturday, May 17, 2008
New patterns and an Etsy Listing! :)
Well, I can't believe that we are working on Halloween already!! I've added a few new patterns to my site!
Andrew and his Boat
And Thelma and Her Cat!
I just finished making another witch doll and listed her up on Etsy! You can find her here: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=11857967

Sunday, April 20, 2008
FREE Pattern! Jacks!
I've been known to come up with some unusual patterns! I love to challenge myself to see if an item can be created out of fabric! Well.....here is one that I just finished up for you! Click below to download it! :)

FREE Primitive Fabric Jacks E Pattern PM
Very unique pattern!! These jacks are about 7" wide X 6" tall when finished. Make great bowl ...
Price: FREE!

I would love any feedback you may have about any of my patterns or requests you may have!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Meet Annie and her Teddy Bear! She is about 22" tall and her teddy is about 11" tall. I just listed the finished Annie on ebay! :D Feel free to check her out! ;)
You can find the pattern for her on my website and on patternmart.
You can find the pattern for her on my website and on patternmart.
Finally!!! Seems like it's been a while since I've created a new pattern!! Meet Prudence!! She is about 22" tall when she's all finished! E pattern is available on my websit http://rk-creations.com/ Or you can instatnly download it on patternmart http://patternmart.com/patterns/search/section/All/RK+Creations,+Karen+Nieforth/All
Friday, April 4, 2008
Garden Fairies
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Penny and Her Pocket Full 'O Posies

Here's something different for me! :) Meet Penny Posies!
This gal was made using a "Bird in the Hand Primitives" pattern. You can get Robin's AWESOME pattern here:http://www.ipmpro.com/item/2658/Pocketful+O__squot__+Posies+Annie+E+Pattern/
I usually don't do extreme prims but I just LOVE how this gal turned out!!!
(And yes! My family is scared of her! LOL!!!!)
You can find her on ebay! :)http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230231499767
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Pattern Sale!!!
I'm having a party and you are invited!!! Since my birthday is on the 7th of March I've decided to celebrate and have an E Pattern sale! Buy 1 E Pattern get 1 FREE!!! No limit!!! Just email me your free pattern choice(s)! Sale good on my website http://rk-creations.com and on pattern mart http://patternmart.com/patterns/search/section/All/RK+Creations%2C+Karen+Nieforth/All
Sale end at midnight on my birthday! :)
Sale end at midnight on my birthday! :)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Check out this Etsy Shop!

My cousin just opened up her Etsy shop! She makes aprons....but not just ANY aprons! Check them out!!!! I LOVE the "French with a Twist" apron!!http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5652238
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Shamrock Angel
Saturday, February 23, 2008
FREE Cabbage Pattern
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Just listed the finished Mandy and Bunny on etsy! :)
Here is my first attempt at selling one of my finished items on Etsy! Fingers crossed that she sells! :)
New Pattern!
Well!! I FINALLY have come up with a NEW pattern! This is Mandy and her Bunny! I got the fabric she is wearing from Jo-anns and just LOVED it!! I had to make a new dollie to wear it! LOL!!! Mandy is about 20" tall and has a needle sculpted and painted face. Her bunny is made from plush felt that I primmed up to give him a nice worn look.
Pattern is available at my website http://rk-creations or you can download it instantly on pattern mart.
The finished Mandy and her Bunny will be up on http://Etsy.com soon! :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What's that smell????
A story how USPS' policy on box sizes may have saved the day!!!"
It STINKS up here!" That's what my daughter (Emily) kept saying to me! I asked her "What does it smell like?" Since I've been sick all week with the flu I can't smell to good! LOL!! She tells me, "It smells like you're cooking something horrible!!" LOL!! Then hubby comes home. "Dad! It STINKS up here!!" hubby says, "What does it smell like?" dd,"I don't know! It just STINKS!" Oldest dd chimes in..."Ooooo!! It DOES stink up here!" I'm just laying on the couch wondering what the heck is going on! Then Emily says, "Oooo!! You can REALY smell it in the office!!" Of course oldest dd and hubby HAVE to smell too! All I hear is "Oooo!!! Yuk!" Finally oldest DD says "It smells like burning dust!" Ahhhhh!! Finally! We have almost identified the cause. They all go sniffin around the computer. No one can find the cause!!!
Well!!! As the night goes on, I come up to the office to print out a shipping label. Still oblivious to any "Stinky" smell! As I go to paypal and type in all my info for shipping, it gets to what size box you are shipping in. CRAP! Gotta find a stinkin tape measure! So I go looking around the office to find one! (Office is also my craft room.....it's a MESS! LOL!!) As I go over to my craft table I notice my little mini iron laying on the floor. No big whoop....I knew it couldn't turn on unless you flip the switch! Well.......somehow it DID get flipped! Because when I looked closer...I saw a beautiful brown patch of cheap melted crapet...oops I mean carpet! (I hate my carpet...can you tell! LOL!!) When I picked up my poor iron it was all black and had melted carpet on it! I started to yell at the carpet! "How could you DO this!!! Don't you know Rick (dh) got me this for Christmas???" Anyway...I finally got to smell a little bit of it! I had to get really close though! LOL!!!
So...there's my story on how USPS' shipping policy on box sizes may have "saved the day!"
Oh! And I did find the tape measure! LOL!!!
It STINKS up here!" That's what my daughter (Emily) kept saying to me! I asked her "What does it smell like?" Since I've been sick all week with the flu I can't smell to good! LOL!! She tells me, "It smells like you're cooking something horrible!!" LOL!! Then hubby comes home. "Dad! It STINKS up here!!" hubby says, "What does it smell like?" dd,"I don't know! It just STINKS!" Oldest dd chimes in..."Ooooo!! It DOES stink up here!" I'm just laying on the couch wondering what the heck is going on! Then Emily says, "Oooo!! You can REALY smell it in the office!!" Of course oldest dd and hubby HAVE to smell too! All I hear is "Oooo!!! Yuk!" Finally oldest DD says "It smells like burning dust!" Ahhhhh!! Finally! We have almost identified the cause. They all go sniffin around the computer. No one can find the cause!!!
Well!!! As the night goes on, I come up to the office to print out a shipping label. Still oblivious to any "Stinky" smell! As I go to paypal and type in all my info for shipping, it gets to what size box you are shipping in. CRAP! Gotta find a stinkin tape measure! So I go looking around the office to find one! (Office is also my craft room.....it's a MESS! LOL!!) As I go over to my craft table I notice my little mini iron laying on the floor. No big whoop....I knew it couldn't turn on unless you flip the switch! Well.......somehow it DID get flipped! Because when I looked closer...I saw a beautiful brown patch of cheap melted crapet...oops I mean carpet! (I hate my carpet...can you tell! LOL!!) When I picked up my poor iron it was all black and had melted carpet on it! I started to yell at the carpet! "How could you DO this!!! Don't you know Rick (dh) got me this for Christmas???" Anyway...I finally got to smell a little bit of it! I had to get really close though! LOL!!!
So...there's my story on how USPS' shipping policy on box sizes may have "saved the day!"
Oh! And I did find the tape measure! LOL!!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Welcome to my Blog!
WOW!!! I FINALLY have joined the blogging world! I plan on posting free patterns, how-to's, discounts for my website, and all sorts of other goodies here! Be sure to check back often!
A little bit about me:
I am a stay at home mom to 3 beautiful girls! Amanda is almost 13 (heaven help me! LOL!), Emily is 11, and Meagan is 5. I have been married to a wonderful man, Rick, for over 15 years! He is from Seattle, WA (Monroe/Snohomish area to be exact!) and I am from Bountiful Utah. Hubby and I got married in 1992! I was just a young-in! 19!!!!! But here we are almost 16 years later! And we STILL get on each other's nerves! LOL!!! But we have a wonderful sense of humor that keeps us going!
After we were married Rick dragged me up to Washington. The first few years were hard for me! I was used to walking just around the corner to church! LOL!! Now I had to drive for a half hour! I could be at the store in less than 2 minutes in Utah.....took me 30 to get anywhere! And the mall......almost an hour! We lived in the "sticks." Five acres of trees and a beautiful pond! We lived there for the first 10 years of our marriage. I grew to LOVE it there! Hubby was an insurance agent when we lived there. After the events of Sept 11th companies started cutting back and hubby just wasn't able to get as much business. So we took a job that was offered to us in Salt Lake City, UT. And here we are! In Syracuse! Just a stone's throw away from the causeway to Antelope Island!
We miss Washington very much and hope to return soon!
OK! Now for the crafty part of me! LOL!!!
I've been crafting in one form or another since I was little! I remember when I was about 8 I would ask my mom for her old pantyhose. I took some cotton balls and stuffed the pantyhose then needle sculpted them into faces! LOL!! Let me tell you!! They were scary little things!! LOL!! My mother also taught me to tole paint when I was about that same age. (probably because I was taking all her pantyhose! LOL!) I loved it!! Although as I grew older I stopped painting and turned to drawing! LOVED art in school! I was always doodling! My favorite thing to draw was eyes and noses! LOL!!
I took sewing in 8th grade. Learned the basics and then moved on. Didn't sew again until I was in my 20's! I sewed a few simple dresses for myself every now and again, but nothing fancy!
After my first daughter was born, I began to get antsy! I wanted to DO something. I started painting again! I eventually started creating my own painting patterns. I started to look for ways to get my patterns published. I went to craft stores and looked in the front cover of all the craft books and took down the publisher's info. I contacted each publisher and sent them pictures of my work. I got accepted by Miller Woodcrafts! I published 3 individual books and many combined artist books with them! They were GREAT!
After being with them for several years, they decided to get out of the craft business. I was left to find another publisher. It was then that I stepped back and thought if that is what I wanted to continue to do. I looked online for other options. I happened to find a link to an online craft show! A place called "Prim Mart." I decided to check it out. I signed up for a booth in their Fall Craft Show. It was there that I learned of a new style! PRIMITIVE! WOW!!! I was hooked!!! I saw all the WONDERFUL things that were being made! "I want to do that to!" I thought! So I started buying doll patterns! I fell in love!!! As I did more and more I started to gain more confidence! I started to design my own patterns! I found I wasn't very good at designing dolls! LOL!! So I started looking at common, everyday things! My first pattern was a willow tree! Then Fruit....I found that I was challenging myself ,when I saw something I liked, to see if I could actually make "that" out of fabric! That is why most of my first patterns are not dolls. I eventually got up the courage to try making dolls. I always said, "I just don't do clothes very well!" And I still hate doing doll clothes! LOL!!
Well....that's about it....feel free to email me with any questions, requests, or comments! :)
A little bit about me:
I am a stay at home mom to 3 beautiful girls! Amanda is almost 13 (heaven help me! LOL!), Emily is 11, and Meagan is 5. I have been married to a wonderful man, Rick, for over 15 years! He is from Seattle, WA (Monroe/Snohomish area to be exact!) and I am from Bountiful Utah. Hubby and I got married in 1992! I was just a young-in! 19!!!!! But here we are almost 16 years later! And we STILL get on each other's nerves! LOL!!! But we have a wonderful sense of humor that keeps us going!
After we were married Rick dragged me up to Washington. The first few years were hard for me! I was used to walking just around the corner to church! LOL!! Now I had to drive for a half hour! I could be at the store in less than 2 minutes in Utah.....took me 30 to get anywhere! And the mall......almost an hour! We lived in the "sticks." Five acres of trees and a beautiful pond! We lived there for the first 10 years of our marriage. I grew to LOVE it there! Hubby was an insurance agent when we lived there. After the events of Sept 11th companies started cutting back and hubby just wasn't able to get as much business. So we took a job that was offered to us in Salt Lake City, UT. And here we are! In Syracuse! Just a stone's throw away from the causeway to Antelope Island!
We miss Washington very much and hope to return soon!
OK! Now for the crafty part of me! LOL!!!
I've been crafting in one form or another since I was little! I remember when I was about 8 I would ask my mom for her old pantyhose. I took some cotton balls and stuffed the pantyhose then needle sculpted them into faces! LOL!! Let me tell you!! They were scary little things!! LOL!! My mother also taught me to tole paint when I was about that same age. (probably because I was taking all her pantyhose! LOL!) I loved it!! Although as I grew older I stopped painting and turned to drawing! LOVED art in school! I was always doodling! My favorite thing to draw was eyes and noses! LOL!!
I took sewing in 8th grade. Learned the basics and then moved on. Didn't sew again until I was in my 20's! I sewed a few simple dresses for myself every now and again, but nothing fancy!
After my first daughter was born, I began to get antsy! I wanted to DO something. I started painting again! I eventually started creating my own painting patterns. I started to look for ways to get my patterns published. I went to craft stores and looked in the front cover of all the craft books and took down the publisher's info. I contacted each publisher and sent them pictures of my work. I got accepted by Miller Woodcrafts! I published 3 individual books and many combined artist books with them! They were GREAT!
After being with them for several years, they decided to get out of the craft business. I was left to find another publisher. It was then that I stepped back and thought if that is what I wanted to continue to do. I looked online for other options. I happened to find a link to an online craft show! A place called "Prim Mart." I decided to check it out. I signed up for a booth in their Fall Craft Show. It was there that I learned of a new style! PRIMITIVE! WOW!!! I was hooked!!! I saw all the WONDERFUL things that were being made! "I want to do that to!" I thought! So I started buying doll patterns! I fell in love!!! As I did more and more I started to gain more confidence! I started to design my own patterns! I found I wasn't very good at designing dolls! LOL!! So I started looking at common, everyday things! My first pattern was a willow tree! Then Fruit....I found that I was challenging myself ,when I saw something I liked, to see if I could actually make "that" out of fabric! That is why most of my first patterns are not dolls. I eventually got up the courage to try making dolls. I always said, "I just don't do clothes very well!" And I still hate doing doll clothes! LOL!!
Well....that's about it....feel free to email me with any questions, requests, or comments! :)
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