While surfing the web looking for the long lost bath fizzy recipe that I once had many years ago, I came upon an awesome blog! http://soap-queen.blogspot.com/ LOVE it!!! I found an awesome tutorial on cupcake bath bombs! How stinkin CUTE!
(Picture from soap-queen blog)
So I made a batch with my 8 year old daughter, Megan. She got to pick out the scents and the color of frosting. She chose Melonberry for the base and Mulberry for the frosting. They turned out awesome! Megan couldn't wait for them to dry. She just HAD to use one right away! They worked great and best of all Megan loved them! So I went to http://www.brambleberry.com/ and made up a wish list of all the fun stuff I wanted for my birthday. Then I emailed it to my hubby. (hehehe)
Guess what I got in the mail today????