WOW!!! I FINALLY have joined the blogging world! I plan on posting free patterns, how-to's, discounts for my website, and all sorts of other goodies here! Be sure to check back often!
A little bit about me:
I am a stay at home mom to 3 beautiful girls! Amanda is almost 13 (heaven help me! LOL!), Emily is 11, and Meagan is 5. I have been married to a wonderful man, Rick, for over 15 years! He is from Seattle, WA (Monroe/Snohomish area to be exact!) and I am from Bountiful Utah. Hubby and I got married in 1992! I was just a young-in! 19!!!!! But here we are almost 16 years later! And we STILL get on each other's nerves! LOL!!! But we have a wonderful sense of humor that keeps us going!
After we were married Rick dragged me up to Washington. The first few years were hard for me! I was used to walking just around the corner to church! LOL!! Now I had to drive for a half hour! I could be at the store in less than 2 minutes in Utah.....took me 30 to get anywhere! And the mall......almost an hour! We lived in the "sticks." Five acres of trees and a beautiful pond! We lived there for the first 10 years of our marriage. I grew to LOVE it there! Hubby was an insurance agent when we lived there. After the events of Sept 11th companies started cutting back and hubby just wasn't able to get as much business. So we took a job that was offered to us in Salt Lake City, UT. And here we are! In Syracuse! Just a stone's throw away from the causeway to Antelope Island!
We miss Washington very much and hope to return soon!
OK! Now for the crafty part of me! LOL!!!
I've been crafting in one form or another since I was little! I remember when I was about 8 I would ask my mom for her old pantyhose. I took some cotton balls and stuffed the pantyhose then needle sculpted them into faces! LOL!! Let me tell you!! They were scary little things!! LOL!! My mother also taught me to tole paint when I was about that same age. (probably because I was taking all her pantyhose! LOL!) I loved it!! Although as I grew older I stopped painting and turned to drawing! LOVED art in school! I was always doodling! My favorite thing to draw was eyes and noses! LOL!!
I took sewing in 8th grade. Learned the basics and then moved on. Didn't sew again until I was in my 20's! I sewed a few simple dresses for myself every now and again, but nothing fancy!
After my first daughter was born, I began to get antsy! I wanted to DO something. I started painting again! I eventually started creating my own painting patterns. I started to look for ways to get my patterns published. I went to craft stores and looked in the front cover of all the craft books and took down the publisher's info. I contacted each publisher and sent them pictures of my work. I got accepted by Miller Woodcrafts! I published 3 individual books and many combined artist books with them! They were GREAT!
After being with them for several years, they decided to get out of the craft business. I was left to find another publisher. It was then that I stepped back and thought if that is what I wanted to continue to do. I looked online for other options. I happened to find a link to an online craft show! A place called "Prim Mart." I decided to check it out. I signed up for a booth in their Fall Craft Show. It was there that I learned of a new style! PRIMITIVE! WOW!!! I was hooked!!! I saw all the WONDERFUL things that were being made! "I want to do that to!" I thought! So I started buying doll patterns! I fell in love!!! As I did more and more I started to gain more confidence! I started to design my own patterns! I found I wasn't very good at designing dolls! LOL!! So I started looking at common, everyday things! My first pattern was a willow tree! Then Fruit....I found that I was challenging myself ,when I saw something I liked, to see if I could actually make "that" out of fabric! That is why most of my first patterns are not dolls. I eventually got up the courage to try making dolls. I always said, "I just don't do clothes very well!" And I still hate doing doll clothes! LOL!!
Well....that's about it....feel free to email me with any questions, requests, or comments! :)